Schedule at a glance – all times in Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Time | A | B | C |
0900-0955 | |||
1000-1055 | CE-CC-A2 – Methodology 1 | CE-CC-B2 – Technology | CE-CC-C2 – Experience of Health and Illness 1 |
1100-1155 | Keynote CE-KN-1: Giampietro Gobo -Stretching, expanding, diluting and (finally) emptying the Qualitative. Worries and wayouts | ||
noon-1255 | CE-CC-A3 – Methodology 2 | CE-CC-B3 – Power | CE-CC-C3 – Experience of Health and Illness 2 |
1300-1355 | lunch and poster viewing PO-CE-A1 | ||
1400-1455 | Workshop CE-WS-A1: Marie Buscatto – Designing Ethnographies of Arts and Music | Workshop CE-WS-B1: Guendalina Graffigna – Focus Groups | |
1500-1555 | Designing Ethnographies… continued. | Focus Groups continued. | |
1600-1655 | CE-CC-A4 – Covid-19 | CE-CC-B4 – Education | CE-CC-C4 – Leadership; Professional Practice |
1700-1855 | Workshop CE-WS-A2: Michael C Gizzi – Qualitative Research with MAXQDA | ||
1900-1925 | Closing Session | ||
Check your local time for the equivalent in your area. Concurrent sessions will have up to 3 papers. |
1100-1155 CEST
Giampietro Gobo
Stretching, expanding, diluting and (finally) emptying the Qualitative. Worries and wayouts
The re-emergence of mixed methods (as a reaction to claims of incompatibility between quantitative and qualitative methods – see Howe 1988 and Brannen 1992) has led to some confusion about what a qualitative method and qualitative research are or should be. This was also caused by the quantitative imprinting that mixed methods have had since their revitalization in the late 1980s. Hence, from the 1990s the term ‘qualitative’ has been stretched and expanded, with a consequent dilution of its original meaning into a multitude of concepts to such an extent that it encompasses almost everything. Now ‘qualitative’ has become an abused buzz-word (Smythe 2005), “a ‘catch-all’ for non-positivist inquiry” (Giddings 2006: 199), quitting a more subtle and sharper exploration of the diverse epistemological and methodological problems of doing research. Hereafter, the stretching of the term ‘qualitative’ has left unsolved most of the traditional epistemological and methodological problems. In fact, worries about how mixed methods researchers treated qualitative methods have been expressed by Howe (2004), Morse (2005), Denzin and Lincoln (2005), Giddings (2006). The author will present some proposals for a way out of this messy situation.
Giampietro Gobo, Professor of Methodology of Social Research and Sociology of Science at the University of Milan (Italy), was one of the founders of the ‘Qualitative Methods’ Research Network of the European Sociological Association. His interests concern with the scientific controversies on health issues and workplace studies. He is currently undertaking projects on the immunization and covid-19 policies, and ethnographic experiments in the area of cooperation in small teamwork. His books include Doing Ethnography (Sage, 2008), Qualitative Research Practice (co-edited with C. Seale, J. F. Gubrium and D. Silverman, Sage, 2004), Constructing Survey Data: An Interactional Approach (with S. Mauceri, Sage, 2014), Merged Methods: A Rationale for Full Integration (with Nigel Fielding, Gevisa La Rocca and Wander van der Vaar, London: Sage, 2021) and Science, Technology and Society: An Introduction (with Valentina Marcheselli, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2022).
Click below for the full workshop descriptions in each stream.
Designing Ethnographies of Arts and Music
1400-1555 CEST
Marie Buscatto
Ethnography is mainly defined as a long-term physical and/or virtual observation personally conducted in situ by the researcher(s). As an inductive and fundamentally subjective method, ethnography can definitely not follow the positivist scientific model. But it does not mean one cannot plan and conduct ethnographic studies scientifically.
Based on my own experience as an ethnographer, this workshop will present ways one may design a rigorous, grounded and valid ethnographic study of arts and music – and of any other topic of research. How is reflexivity to enable ethnographers to develop sound, systematic and rigorous results over time? How does an ethnographer define one’s study topics and questions of research before entering the field? How does she enter and remain in the field over time? How does it affect one’s results? How does he conduct observations in rigorous ways? When does one decide to stop one’s observations? Which techniques does an ethnographer use to analyze collected data rigorously?
As a full part of the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions linked to their own past, current or planned ethnographic studies of arts and music (or any other topic if adequate) and to collectively discuss ways to deal with the issues this experience may raise (or have raised in the past).
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Marie Buscatto is a Full Professor of Sociology at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France. She is a sociologist of work, of gender and of arts. She also develops epistemological reflections related to the uses of qualitative methods. Her recent publications in English include the edition of the special issue “Getting old in art. Revisiting the trajectories of “modest” artists”, Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, 50 (2), 2019, the article “Feminisations of artistic work. Legal measures and female artists’ resources do matter”, Todas as Artes Journal, 1 (1), 2018, 21-39, and the chapter “Doing Ethnography: Ways and Reasons”. In Flick U. (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection, London, Sage Publications, 2018, 327-343.
To know more about her (more than 130) past publications, go to: |
Qualitative Research with MAXQDA
1700-1855 CEST
Michael C Gizzi
This workshop offers you an overview of qualitative research and data analysis processes and provides basic practical features of MAXQDA and tips that can serve well for your needs in doing qualitative research. The session will start with a brief overview of qualitative research and data analysis processes followed by a MAXQDA demonstration and a Q&A session. During the session, we will have activities for attendees to apply their learning into practice. Therefore, please consider downloading MAXQDA on your computer before the session if you are interested in following along the activities. Anyone interested in learning how to use MAXQDA is welcome!
Dr. Michael C Gizzi is a professor of criminal justice and political scientist at Illinois State University in Normal, IL. He is a Certified Trainer for MAXQDA and co-editor of The Practice of Qualitative Data Analysis: Research Examples Using MAXQDA with Dr. Stefan Rädiker (MAXQDA Press, 2021). Gizzi offers weekly webinars on qualitative data analysis, and does research using qualitative and mixed methods research on American legal issues, and is currently conducting an analysis of 6000 tweets from the U.S. Center for Disease Control exploring messaging consistencies during the pandemic. |
Focus Groups
1400-1555 CEST
Guendalina Graffigna
The aim of this workshop is to introduce to the different strategies of group discussion (i.e. focus group, co-creation group, group interview). Election criteria and research design eligible for the different group discussion strategies will be presented and discussed. Moreover, the main tips and rules for effectively moderating a focus group will be described. Students will be involved in a role playing to experience different techniques of focus group moderation. The workshop is conceived as highly interactive and practical and participants will have the opportunity to get direct supervision on their focus group project.
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Guendalina Graffigna received a PhD in Social Psychology at Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth of Milan (Italy) where she actually is Full Professor. At the same University she is member of the Coordination Committee of the PhD School in Psychology. From 2018, she is Director of the Consumer, Food & Health Engagement Research Center - EngageMinds Hub of the Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth of Milan and Director for the Executive Master Program in Patient Advocacy Management promoted by ALTEMS (Higher School of Health Management). Before her actual appointments, Guendalina has been a Post Doc fellow (A.A. 2007-2008) and visiting professor in Qualitative Health Research (A.A. 2008-2009) at the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, University of Alberta, with which she still collaborate for several research and teaching initiatives related to patient engagement in research and to co-creation. In 2014 she validated the PATIENT HEALTH ENGAGEMENT Scale: the first measure of the patients' psychological experience of engagement in chronic care management, which is now widely adopted by healthcare and research organizations worldwide.In 2017 she coordinate the First Italian Consensus Conference on Patient Engagement. Her research and scientific activities are mainly devoted to the study of patients and consumer engagement in health, wellbeing and food consumption. She has spent the last 15 years of activity in constructing bridges between scientific/academic knowledge and at present she is coordinating an intra and inter university reflection for contributing to priorities and policies discussions on people engagement and participation in health and care. She counts more than two hundred of scientific publications and according to the international scientific database Scopus she is the most productive scholar in the domain of PATIENT ENGAGEMENT. |
Concurrent sessions (AM and PM)
All times listed below are in CEST. Click below for the Abstract schedule – abstracts and bios will be available on our Pheedloop event site once opened June 30.
1000-1055 CE-CC-A2 - Methodology 1
Miss Theresa Bengough
Phd Student
Ku Leuven
CE-CC-A2.2 - Moving Systematic Review Evidence from Paper to Practice: The Value of Trans-Geographical Focus Groups in Developing a Tool to Support Context Sensitive Implications for Policy and Practice
Mrs. Maiken Holm Kaldal
PhD student
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University
CE-CC-A2.3 - Lesson Learnt from Conducting an Umbrella Review Protocol
1100-1155 Keynote, see above
1200-1255 CE-CC-A3 - Methodology 2
Dr. Ilaria Coppola
Phd Student
Università Of Genoa
CE-CC-A3.1 - The Qualitative Method for Evaluating Community Mediation Interventions
Dr. Chiara Corvino
Catholic University Of The Sacred Heart
CE-CC-A3.3 - Case Study Methodology Implications for Theory and Practice: A Meta-Reflection on the Case of a Gymnastic Academy for Talented Athletes from a Psychological Perspective
Assoc. Prof Gevisa La Rocca
Associate Professor
University Kore Of Enna
CE-CC-A3.2 - Emotional Text Mining: A Merged Method for Looking into Hashtags
1300-1355 Lunch and poster viewing, see below
1400-1555 Workshops, see above
1600-1655 CE-CC-A4 - COVID-19
Miss Caterina Bosio
Engageminds Hub - Università Del Sacro Cuore
CE-CC-A4.2 - Promoting Psychology for the Dialysis Patient and Transplant Recipient: Development of Specific Areas of Intervention in Light of the COVID-19 Emergency
Miss Sara Franco da Silva
Research Assistant
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa/CIES
CE-CC-A4.3 - Well-Being and Inequality during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Methodological Challenges to a Place-Based Analysis
Ms. Isabel Hoeppchen
Scientific Assistant
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention
CE-CC-A4.1 - “The Beauty of the Corona Situation” – Patients’ Experiences of Maintaining Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise during the COVID-19-Related Lockdown in Austria: Insights from a Photovoice Activity
1700-1855 Workshops, see above
1900-1925 Closing
1000-1055 CE-CC-B2 - Technology
Asst. Prof. Laura GALUPPO
Assistant Professor
Università Cattolica Del S. Cuore
CE-CC-B2.2 - Discourses on Human Enhancement and Techological Innovation at Work: Bridging Disciplines for a Critical Understanding
1100-1155 Keynote, see above
1200-1255 CE-CC-B3 - Power
Dr. Lorleen Farrugia
University Of Malta
CE-CC-B3.1 - Defusing Researcher-Participant Power Relations in Focus Groups with Children
Mrs. Alejandra González Valencia
Universidad De Antioquia
CE-CC-B3.2 - Visually and Orally Engaging with Power Analysis: Using Body-Map Storytelling to Conduct Feminist Research with Undocumented Immigrant Women
1300-1355 Lunch and poster viewing, see below
1400-1555 Workshops, see above
1600-1655 CE-CC-B4 - Education
Dr. Rita Kasav
Assistant Professor
Nazarbayev University Graduate School Of Education
CE-CC-B4.1 - Per-Capita Funding in Kazakhstan: Its Introduction, Challenges and Relevance to Other Contexts
Dr. Mitch Peters
Open University Of Catalonia
CE-CC-B4.2 - Guidance for Overviews in Education Research
1700-1855 Workshops, see above
1900-1925 Closing
1000-1055 CE-CC-C2 - Experience of Health and Illness 1
Ms. Marie Ernst Christensen
Phd Student
Research Unit for Nursing and Health Care, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University & Research Center for Health
CE-CC-C2.3 - Struggling to Eat to Survive Cancer - Lived Experiences of Eating among Adolescents and Young Adults Undergoing High-Emetogenic Chemotherapy
Dr. Milica Petrovic
Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore
CE-CC-C2.2 - Building-up Self-Re-Structure of Personal Life Story within Informal Care
1100-1155 Keynote, see above
1200-1255 CE-CC-C3 - Experience of Health and Illness 2
Dr. Carmen Caeiro
Assistant Professor
School Of Health Care, Polytechnic Institute Of Setúbal
CE-CC-C3.1 - “I Can't Be the Person I Used to Be” – An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experiences of Living with Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain
Dr. Raquel Martins
Portuguese Oncology Institute of Coimbra
CE-CC-C3.3 - Thinking Qualitatively in Family Cancers: The Experiences of Taking the Genetic Test
Dr. Margit Raich
Assistant Professor
Umit Tirol
CE-CC-C3.2 - A Qualitative Analysis of Health Promotion Activities in European Police Departments
1300-1355 Lunch and poster viewing, see below
1400-1555 Workshops, see above
1600-1655 CE-CC-C4 - Leadership; Professional Practice
Ms. Marta Piria
Phd Student, Faculty Of Psychology
Università Cattolica
CE-CC-C4.2 - The Roles of Key People as Boundary Spanners: Exploring Processes of Organizational Integration, Learning and Transformation in Healthcare Settings
Asst. Prof. Rosa Scardigno
Assistant Professor
Department Of Educational Sciences, Psychology, Communication - University Of Bari "a. Moro"
CE-CC-C4.1 - The Charismatic Quality of Humble Leaders: The Case of Pope Francesco
1700-1855 Workshops, see above
1900-1925 Closing
Poster session – 1200-1255 CEST
Click below for the full listing – details to follow by mid-late June.